Heroes & Villians-Group Psychotherapy (Part II)
Heroes and Villains is a psychodynamic group that explores the effects of trauma throughout the lifetime by analyzing popular characters from comic books, movies, and mythology. This groups follows The Weight of Sound (Part I) but can be taken on its own. The content includes a more in-depth look at psychological defenses and pays special attention to repetition compulsions. These are patterns that we follow in our daily lives without conscious awareness. For individuals suffering from PTSD, these patterns are often destructive and debilitating. The best part of this group is that Spiderman, Batman, Rogue, and many other characters make great examples for these psychodynamic ideas. The goal of this group is to educate and move towards gaining self-awareness. Insight becomes a valuable tool against relapse, depression, and provides an opportunity for lasting change. Please contact me via email or phone if you are interested in this group.